Restoring your career after allegations of white-collar crime

On Behalf of | Apr 24, 2023 | Firm News

Allegations of criminal conduct in the workplace can destroy your career. Even if you still have admirable qualities and a sought-after skillset, a damaged reputation could make you undesirable to everyone.

Once you have moved on with your life, you may wonder if securing another job is even a possibility. Beginning with fixing your reputation might help you rebuild a foundation upon which you could eventually restore your career.

Strategize your apology

A sincere apology can go a long way.  According to the FBI, despite the non-violent nature of white-collar crime, many victims suffer long-term, damaging consequences. Taking responsibility for your behavior may help people regain some respect for you. Use caution when you apologize and only do so when you are in the wrong. Strategizing your apology allows you to address uncomfortable topics in a professional and dignified manner.

Prioritize charitable work

Make it your mission to do good things for the people around you. Look for opportunities to volunteer in your community. Find charities to contribute to. Establishing a routine of charity work can help others see the good in you. Gradually, the good things you do will outshine the bad and your reputation might improve.

Highlight the good

Help others see your admirable qualities. Restore their trust and respect. Focus on the things you do well and look for opportunities to use your most valuable skills. When you put together a resume, highlight your experience. Answer questions about your past honestly but without oversharing unnecessary details. Highlight the lessons you learned and how they helped shape who you are today.

Even though a criminal record gets a bad rap, your diligence in restoring your reputation might help you mitigate the long-term impact of your former choices.

In The Media:

  • ABC | Nightline
  • The O'Reilly Factor
  • Court TV
  • ABC | 2020
  • CNN
  • Larry King Live
  • The Miami Herald
  • Good Morning America