Pretrial negotiations are an important part of the legal process. In them, the parties to a lawsuit try to settle their differences before going to trial. Understanding what happens during these negotiations can help demystify the steps leading up to a trial. Starting...
Firm News
Why is insider trading illegal?
When it comes to the stock market, many people have likely heard that insider trading is bad and illegal. This crime actually comes with quite harsh penalties, too. But why is this the case? Exactly what about insider trading makes it such a problem? What is insider...
Restoring your career after allegations of white-collar crime
Allegations of criminal conduct in the workplace can destroy your career. Even if you still have admirable qualities and a sought-after skillset, a damaged reputation could make you undesirable to everyone. Once you have moved on with your life, you may wonder if...
What are the consequences of fraudulent activity?
What if no one ever finds out that you used another person's identity? What if fraudulent activity allowed you to get ahead? Is it really a big deal? If authorities catch on to you, some significant consequences could come your way. While a good defense might mitigate...
What are the penalties for drunk driving in Florida?
A single instance of drunk driving can have a major impact on multiple areas of your life. For example, the penalties for DUI in Florida include jail terms, fines, and other forms of punishment. It is important for people in the state to understand these penalties and...
Underage drunk driving charges in Florida
If underage drunk driving charges have arisen, you could have many questions and a considerable amount of stress. Unfortunately, many young drivers find themselves accused of drunk driving for various reasons, from peer pressure to unfamiliarity with alcohol and even...
Are Medicare and Medicaid fraud federal or state cases?
There are a number of ways to commit healthcare fraud through Medicare or Medicaid, crimes that cost the government billions of dollars each year. Those accused of Medicare or Medicaid fraud face heavy fines and the possibility of imprisonment, but are such cases...
Durable medical equipment fraud and doctors facing charges
According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, Medicare spent approximately $9 billion on durable medical equipment in 2020. If a recipient’s doctor accepts Medicare, taxpayer-funded benefits include DMEs. Patients may buy DMEs such as blood sugar meters and...
Lack of due diligence and fraudulent bank loan allegations
Banks owe a duty of care to verify the information provided on loan applications. notes that a loan officer generally reviews “the five C’s of credit” when approving business loans. Character ranks high as a qualifier; borrowers must display trustworthiness...
Dismissals expected in more of tainted Houston cop’s drug cases
The dismissal of more than 90 additional drug convictions are expected in 11 years’ worth of cases involving a disgraced former Houston police officer. Prosecutors made the announcement in May regarding investigations led by ex-narcotics officer Gerald Goines. He has...
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