You probably realize that you should never allow the police to search your residence without a warrant. Insisting on a warrant is the only way to make certain that the police don't exceed their authority and that your rights are protected. However, if you live with...
Month: September 2018
What is public corruption?
Public corruption is a broad term that encompasses almost any kind of misuse of a public office or government position for one's own private gain. Most commonly, public corruption is related to offering, actually giving or being on the receiving end of favorable...
Frauds and scams found in Florida
Our tropical home provides a warm, picturesque backdrop to our daily lives. No other state in the country can claim to have the same unique beauty that Florida does, nor its diverse combination of peoples, world views and values. Florida also has its share of truly...
Florida felons seek right to vote on November ballot
The November 2018 election for governor in Florida is slated to be one of the state's most pivotal elections ever -- but there's another measure on the ballot that holds a special amount of anxiety for about 1.5 million residents of the state.Florida is home to that...
Can a friend’s drug overdose lead you to murder charges?
In the past, when a drug user shared his or her stash of narcotics with a friend, it wasn't considered a crime when the friend overdosed.Times have changed.A drug overdose isn't always considered an accident these days -- and anyone who passes drugs to someone else...
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