No one wants to face federal charges in court. However, if a person is involved in a situation that results in such charges being filed, it is often beneficial to retain immediate and experienced legal representation in the matter. The penalties, if convicted of a white collar crime, can be very severe and an experienced attorney can help determine how best to proceed to obtain a positive outcome in one of Florida’s federal courtrooms.
Those accused of criminal wrongdoing at the federal level in Miami or surrounding regions can contact Frank A. Rubino, Esq., for legal assistance. With more than 30 years of experience defending clients against such charges, attorney Rubino is prepared to address the various complexities and obstacles that often arise at this level of litigation. He has successfully defended many high-profile clients in federal courts throughout the United States.
Whether your current legal challenge involves tax evasion, computer fraud or identity theft, you will want to gain a clear understanding of federal law and all the potential consequences before standing trial. In fact, you may request legal guidance as soon as you become aware that you are a subject in a federal investigation. This allows an experienced attorney to begin working before any charges are filed, which may prove beneficial further down the line if charges are filed and a reduction or dismissal is sought.
Frank A. Rubino, Esq., is available by phone or through use of the electronic contact form easily accessible on his website. By requesting a consultation, you can take the first steps to building a strong and aggressive defense against white collar crime charges in Florida. If you have already been requested to appear before a grand jury, he can help you prepare for those proceedings and act on your behalf in all communication with court officials and law enforcement agents.