Being accused of misrepresenting taxable income to the Internal Revenue Service is a serious matter. In Florida and all other states, such situations may be aggressively prosecuted if formal charges are filed in federal court. However, there are plenty of situations where honest mistakes have resulted in apparent misrepresentations. As with other criminal accusations, anyone charged with tax evasion is presumed innocent unless proved otherwise in court.
Willfully attempting to defeat or evade a tax may be punishable as a felony, if a conviction is handed down in court. Such convictions often carry severe penalties, such as time in prison and, possibly, more than a quarter million dollars in fines. In most situations, those facing such charges are able to secure more positive outcomes when they enlist the assistance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer.
Frank A. Rubino, Esq., has assisted clients in a number of high profile situations at the federal level. His experience allows him to help clients determine whether possible errors may have led to criminal charges. Every situation is different, and he has successfully defended clients regarding national and international incidents.
Whether you are being investigated as an individual, or as the proprietor of a company in Florida, you may take immediate steps to begin building as strong a defense as possible, even before an arrest has taken place. Also, the federal government typically allows a period of amnesty to provide opportunity for those suspected of federal tax evasion to come forward to pay owed monies for income that may not have been previously declared. As a skilled and experienced attorney, Frank A. Rubino, Esq., is prepared to advise you regarding this and all other defense-related matters.