Major federal drug trafficking bust in Florida

On Behalf of | Jul 28, 2016 | Federal Drug Trafficking

Nearly 20 people have been arrested in what appears to be a major drug bust in Florida. The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office says the group was involved in a federal drug trafficking scheme. Those arrested now face a variety of charges, including possession and trafficking methamphetamine.

A police captain reported that a special drug task force was assigned to the situation. The officers were apparently targeting suspected methamphetamine and “ice” dealers in the area during their investigation. The captain further stated that many of those arrested seem to be acquainted as friends, and they were moving drugs back and forth between one another.

The official investigation remained ongoing for approximately eight months. Supposedly, tips and information from community members helped drug task force agents to gather alleged evidence against the 20 defendants. Officers say they have set up a crime-stoppers program in the area that people may contact when they believe they have information that may help lead to drug-related arrests.

Facing federal drug trafficking charges in Florida is obviously a serious matter. To increase one’s chances of obtaining a positive outcome, it is advisable to act alongside skilled and experienced representation. An experienced criminal defense attorney is able to help a defendant explore all options that might be available to help minimize the negative impact a situation might have on the future. To begin building a strong defense, an attorney can investigate the events that led to an arrest to determine whether all regulations and protocols were followed by law enforcement agents. If not, a portion, and in some cases, all of the state’s evidence may be challenged in court.

Source:, “Arrests made in Jackson County drug bust”, Byron Khalil, July 18, 2016

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