Business whiz kid linked to white collar crime in Florida

On Behalf of | Jun 21, 2016 | Medicare and Medicaid Fraud

Sometimes, a business owner can go from the top of his or her game to the bottom of the barrel in what seems like no time at all. Lives of glamour, riches and luxury are turned upside down when troubles involving taxes or bankruptcy hit. This seems to be the case for a young man in Florida who graduated from college, then took the state by storm in the business world, but has since been accused of white collar crime.

A 26-year-old at the time, the young man launched a restaurant that propelled him to fame and fortune. He and a partner built their success by hosting parties, dances and charity events. The restaurant magnate was even counted as one of the top single persons in Tallahassee.

Then, everything changed. He became involved in disputes with other business people and subsequently filed for bankruptcy. He also stands accused of being involved with a cyber attack on the infamous JP Morgan Chase. Apparently, his name has been linked to an illegal Bitcoin operation, which profited millions.

Typically, someone in Florida facing white collar crime allegations may want to seek immediate guidance from a criminal attorney who has handled many high profile situations. An experienced attorney may have ideas about strategies that could be used to avoid serious negative impact that may have a ripple effect on one’s personal and professional life. A good place to start might be to call a criminal law office to request a meeting. During an initial consultation, various options can be explored as to the best course of action to take to overcome one’s specific situation.

Source:, “Former 101 owner Murgio facing federal charges“, Sean Rossman, June 7, 2016

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