In some states, though not in Florida, it is legal to grow marijuana. However, even though state law sometimes allows it, it remains illegal in all 50 states at the federal level. In certain circumstances, especially when federal drug trafficking is suspected, federal agents may move in to make a drug bust in a state where manufacturing the drug is allowed.
A recent incident involved several homes that were allegedly found to be indoor marijuana growing residences. Apparently, the electric company noticed that use of electricity was more than 200 times higher in the houses in question that others in the area. It is legal to grow marijuana in the state where the houses are.
Problems seemed to have arisen when the federal government began to suspect that large amounts of the marijuana were being transported to Florida and to various UPS stores. After agents raided the homes, 17 people were arrested. Authorities claim to have found at least $25,000 in cash, as well as a significant number of firearms.
Supposedly, officers seized more than 1,200 items of equipment thought to be used to manufacture marijuana. Fluorescent lighting and 1,000 watt light bulbs were two items taken into possession by law enforcement agents. Federal drug trafficking is a serious crime and anyone facing these types of charges will want to secure immediate legal assistance before appearing in court. Among many things an experienced, high-profile attorney can do is to build a strong defense, investigate the search and seizure process to determine whether any personal rights were violated and help a defendant explore all options available to seek a positive outcome in court.
Source:, “EMISSIONS:Coloradans feel the heat from indoor marijuana growing“, John J. Fialka, April 26, 2016