An ordeal lasting more than four years has finally come to an end in Florida. The situation was borne out of federal drug trafficking charges for which an 81-year-old former clinic doctor was indicted in 2011. He and his family recently rejoiced when the court declared him not guilty of all but one charge against him.
Reportedly, jury deliberations lasted more than five hours before the man was released from house arrest and found guilty only of the most minor count against him. Before the recent ruling, he was wrapped up in a high-profile case that included murder charges and illicit sales of prescription drugs. A patient who had taken a prescription written by the former clinic doctor died, which is what led to the initial charges against him.
The man’s family apparently told the court that he has spent his entire career saving lives and helping people and that he is guilty only of making a poor decision, not murder. The man who died after taking the prescribed Xanax was said to be the former chef of presidential candidate Donald Trump. The elderly doctor told the court that he wished he could go back in time and make a different decision, but since he can’t, he can only express his utmost remorse.
It is likely that experienced criminal defense guidance may have played a key role in obtaining a positive outcome in this case. Others facing federal drug trafficking charges in Florida are able to build strong defenses by acting alongside experienced defense attorneys. It is advisable to request a meeting with an attorney as soon as possible after an arrest has taken place.
Source:, “Ex-pain clinic doctor sentenced on felony drug charge“, Mark Freeman, March 11, 2016