Some Florida doctors and/or other health care providers find themselves facing allegations of insurance fraud. This type of white collar crime can have serious consequences if the person accused is actually convicted in court. There are some situations, however, where an experienced criminal lawyer is able to defend a client successfully against accusations of Medicare and Medicaid fraud.
A dermatologist in another state stood before a federal jury on a recent Monday. He had been accused of insurance fraud, as well as performing unnecessary skin procedures on some of his patients. The 45-year-old doctor had previously received many accolades in his profession, including several commendations and awards.
The U.S. Attorney who was prosecuting the case accused the doctor of lying. The dermatologist’s attorneys denied and refuted each of the prosecution’s claims. The jury maintained the doctor’s innocence by finding him not guilty of all 46 charges that had been filed.
The doctor case thanked the jury members and stated that he was grateful that they paid attention to the facts. Just as he was represented by a criminal defense attorney in court, anyone in Florida facing similar fraud charges is entitled to do the same. Any man or woman who learns that he or she is the subject of a federal investigation may find it advisable at that point to contact an attorney for guidance. It is important to gain a clear understanding of the law and to become familiar with the legal process before facing Medicare and Medicaid fraud charges in court.
Source: The Washington Post, “Northern Va. dermatologist acquitted on charges of insurance fraud“, Joe Heim, Nov. 30, 2015