Murder charge and federal drug trafficking conviction in Florida

On Behalf of | Sep 15, 2015 | Federal Drug Trafficking

Anyone arrested or charged with a crime in Florida or any other state has a right to seek legal representation in the matter before proceeding to court. In a recent case, a man was recently convicted of federal drug trafficking. The same man is also slated to face a murder charge in connection with a separate drug incident.

In the state of Florida, if a person has provided drugs to another person, resulting in his or her death, it is grounds for first degree murder. The man in this case was charged with such after another person was found unconscious in the man’s home in 2014. An autopsy report stated that the person had died due to acute heroin intoxication.

The 51-year-old man who has been charged has reportedly been in and out of court for various drug-related incidents between 2011 and 2015. On several occasions, he was released on bond. After his recent drug trafficking conviction, he awaits sentencing. He faces up to 25 years in prison and as much as $500,000 in fines.

Federal drug trafficking is a serious offense. When facing similar charges in Florida, it is typically helpful to act under the guidance of a legal professional who has experience in criminal law. An attorney would be able to answer the many questions and concerns a person charged with drug-related crimes might have. He or she would also be able to assess an individual case and determine all options that might be available toward obtaining as positive an outcome as possible in a case.

Source:, “Local heroin kingpin convicted on drug charges“, Kevin Robinson, Sept. 14, 2015

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